Monday 23 May 2011

Endings and Beginnings

The Past is Always Present project has now finished but work from the final exhibition can still be viewed in the at the Communities First shop 21a Ffordd Las. Thanks to everyone that got involved and we hope that you have had fun being involved and learned lots of new skills. We really hope that the project has sparked your interest in the subject because there will be opportunities to get involved with similar sessions as we hope to launch a Tudno & Mostyn Arts Heritage Group. Click here for information about activities with this group.

Picture shown here is of our collage 'Alice through the ages'. The artwork was completed by Callum Hughes and shows the changes in the social landscape from 1960s to the present day. The West Shore Alice in Wonderland statue was freely accessible in the 1960s but has been cordoned off in the present day to protect. This collage shows that all it really does is alienate the young people who are interested in the statue and, as we can see, the cage doesn't really even work in any case!
                                                  Thanks to Jill for the 1960s photo and Callum and the gang for the collage.

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