Monday, 23 May 2011

Endings and Beginnings

The Past is Always Present project has now finished but work from the final exhibition can still be viewed in the at the Communities First shop 21a Ffordd Las. Thanks to everyone that got involved and we hope that you have had fun being involved and learned lots of new skills. We really hope that the project has sparked your interest in the subject because there will be opportunities to get involved with similar sessions as we hope to launch a Tudno & Mostyn Arts Heritage Group. Click here for information about activities with this group.

Picture shown here is of our collage 'Alice through the ages'. The artwork was completed by Callum Hughes and shows the changes in the social landscape from 1960s to the present day. The West Shore Alice in Wonderland statue was freely accessible in the 1960s but has been cordoned off in the present day to protect. This collage shows that all it really does is alienate the young people who are interested in the statue and, as we can see, the cage doesn't really even work in any case!
                                                  Thanks to Jill for the 1960s photo and Callum and the gang for the collage.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Thanks to everyone who came along to the exhibition launch at Llandudno Museum

There was definitely an Alice in Wonderland theme at our recent exhibition launch - here is our very own Alice giving out the exhibition bags.  We were very pleased to see so many people come along to support the project.  The exhibition looked brilliant and it was also great to be able to give some space to the Conwy Surestart textile creative art project. 

Saturday, 9 April 2011

The Past is Always Present @ Llandudno Museum

Join us at our exhibition launch at Llandudno Museum, Gloddaeth Avenue, Llandudno on Wednesday 20th April at 2pm. The exhibition will celebrate the work achieved by everyone involved in the The Past is Always Present and in addition will include textile exhibits produced by a Surestart sewing project that was recently completed by young mums in Conwy.

Thanks to Jill for this 1960s photograph which formed the basis of an idea for an artwork illustrating one of the changes in Llandudno that has affected the local youth population - come along and see the finished results!

Friday, 18 March 2011

Sound histories and video diaries

We've had some great fun out and about recording personal histories and filming our first lot of Ty Llywelyn Youth Drop In video diaries.  At the Trinity Centre, the group got into a fascinating chat about the way that shopping has changed, they talked about the shops that used to be found in Mostyn St and how different it was shopping for groceries before the supermarkets arrived on the streets.    

On Friday 4th March, 11 young people shared their stories of going to school in Llandudno and these are going to be edited into a soundbite video to be shown in the near future.

Let us know if you want to be involved with this project on 01492 877972 or email

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

The Past is Always Present needs your stories!

Having completed our oral history training, the group is now ready to come out into the community to collect personal stories on the themes of work leisure and sport in Llandudno. We are looking for anyone in the Llandudno community who has a tale to tell.

It might be of your long remembered exploits on the football field in your younger days or it may be of a story from last week's football academy training. It could be a story from your time working in hotels in Llandudno (hasn't everyone who lives in Llandudno done some work in a hotel?!?). What about the Pier Pavilion? Have you got a special memory from one of the shows there? And who remembers the Round the World ride on Llandudno pier?

Contact us on
or phone us on 01492 877972

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The Past is Always Present Oral History Training @ Ty Llywelyn Community Centre

Oral history is the recording of historical information, based on the personal experiences and opinions of the speaker.  It often takes the form of eye-witness evidence about past events, but can include folklore, myths  and stories passed down over the years by word of mouth.

The Oral History Training is taking place over two days and is being provided by Dr Andrew Edwards and Michelle Taylor MA from Bangor University.  One of the first things we have learned is that history doesn't have to be 'of the past'; we are making history in the here and now - every moment of our lives!   This project will give you the opportunity to allow your grandchildren and great grand children to have a lasting record of your story in your own voice

On completion of the training, we are hoping to come out into the community to record your personal stories of your experiences in Llandudno. 

For further information please cotnact 01492 877972

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Heritage Project Session

A group of ten people attended an introductory session at Llandudno Archives on Friday 22nd October. Everyone said they had a really good time finding out about Llandudno history, looking at photos and trying out online family history sites.

A very interesting story was found in a local school register which detailed reasons for children leaving school - often to start work at the age of 14.

Thanks to everyone at Llandudno Archives who provided help and support on the day.

Llandudno Archives is based at the old Lloyd St school building and is open to the public every Monday to Thursday from 10 am to 12.30 pm and 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm.